Sunday, July 21, 2013

Here's something I ran across and felt the need to share it with you all. It's called oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). I read this article on childhood anger and it surprised me that what I've been calling Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in my grandson is actually this ODD. He has 95% of the symptoms. What I want you all to get from this post is a sense of awareness. It's good to do research on things that people and doctors alike try and convince you on. But reading for yourself will help open up your awareness because lately everyone has been labeling our children Autism, ADHD, Bipolar, or something other than what they are. I urge all parents and guardians to do research for yourself on many of these behaviors and on the medications used to subside them. I feel you will do your child and yourself a great service. Now that I know exactly what's the problem with my grandson he is getting better because I now know what not to do also. These are just my thoughts what are yours. Please no bashing, this is to the families that need answers and not just any answers.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

He's acting up

You thought it was all settled; you the kids and him in the new place. It was suppose to be different this time he said but in reality he hasn't changed. He's acting up again and this want be the last. The relationship is falling apart because he just can't stay true to you. He has eyes and ears for others but ignores you to the max. He claims with his mouth that you are the love of his life but his action is speaking louder then his words right now. You've cut your hair, dropped a few pounds and even changed your friends; hell you don't even have one and you've made new arrangements with your sitter so she can come at any given moment to give you some along time with the man you've shared your life with for the past few years and even that has not helped your relationship; and he says everything is fine but you feel so along. Baby, let that &^#@# go and find yourself fast. If freedom is what he wants than give it to him. You've got to live your life to the fullest now not later because later could be to late in the game of life and it will be a shame to have never known who you really are. Dish the mess and find the best; that means find what you really want to do and do it to the fullest NOW not later. If you windup bitter you will have only yourself to blame; let him go do him and you get to doing you. In the end you bought and the kids will be happier for it.